Maui Disaster Relief
Ho‘āla hou
(Translation: “To awaken anew”. Meaning Rebirth, etc…)
We don’t have to explain that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges. From April to September of 2020, the Lions Eye Bank of Hawai’i had no choice but to cease its operations as we navigated these uncertain times. Thankfully, with support from the San Diego Eye Bank and the District 50 Lions Clubs, we have been able to reopen and resume acting as an accredited eye bank.
We are working harder than ever to uphold our commitment to surgeons, medical centers, and our donors and their families, now and into the future. If you are curious about the eye bank, please see our FAQ. If you are a surgeon or medical center, please see the appropriate tabs for more information about coordinating donations and requesting tissue.
Help us give the Gift of Sight
Please, if you would like to continue helping us through these turbulent months, consider using the link to donate.

Lions Eye Bank
Proud member of Hawai’i District 50 Lions Clubs
Eye banks recover, evaluate, store and distribute human eye tissue for vision restoration, research and education. Eye surgeons rely on eye banks to supply them with tissue for sight-saving procedures. A Lions eye bank is sponsored by a Lions club, district or multiple district and has an established working relationship with a medical facility.
Lions Eye Bank of Hawai’i
By providing our community with quality ocular tissue for transplantation and providing non-surgical ocular tissue to research institutions we can further understand blinding diseases. All with the hope that one day unnecessary blindness can be prevented.

Lions Eye Bank
Lions Eye Bank of Hawai’i is dedicated to sight restoration by providing our community with quality ocular tissue for transplantation.

Being able to restore someone’s sight is a rare and wonderful thing, a miracle that takes place thousands of times each year through dedicated help.

Makana Foundation
Makana Foundation is the result of a merger between two non-profit organizations that shared the same basic goal; to serve our community, the people of Hawai’i.

Helping THE PEOPLE OF HAWAI’I since 1961
Fighting against blindness & Working to Restore Vision.